Looking for Medicare help? We’ve got you covered.

Shaw’s and GoHealth have partnered to help you get more out of your Medicare Advantage plan.

2M+ Individuals helped last year
80% of our customers find savings*

Ready to review your options?

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Medicare Resources

Medicare options can be confusing. Let us help! We will find a personalized health solution for you.

Original Medicare

What is ‘Original’ Medicare?

  • Original Medicare has 2 parts- Part A and Part B.
  • Part A is ‘hospital insurance’
  • Part B is ‘medical insurance’
  • Medicare is provided by the Federal Government to Americans 65+ or individuals with disabilities

Medicare Advantage

Understanding Medicare Advantage

  • Medicare Advantage plans are an alternative to Original Medicare
  • Medicare Advantage is sometimes called ‘Part C’
  • These plans include Medicare Parts A&B plus other additional benefits

Prescription Plan

Medicare Part D — Your Prescription Plan

  • Prescription Plans are also called ‘Medicare Part D’
  • These plans can be added to Original Medicare (Parts A & B) plans
  • OR Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage) plan can be chosen, which includes Prescription Part D Coverage


Learn about Supplemental Medicare

  • Medigap is Supplemental Medicare Insurance
  • Medigap plans help with ‘gaps’ in coverage
  • There are many different levels of coverage depending on individual needs

See if you’ve been missing out on Medicare savings

Our team of dedicated agents will help you understand your plan options and maximize the benefits that are important to you.
See what I qualify for